5 Best Bedroom Plants

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Sleep, rest, and recovery are essential for not only our physical health, but also our mental wellbeing.

Many plants also have specialised features that either directly or indirectly improve your sleep quality. Some of mine are all around the house but these ones will work well in your room!


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Aside from its air cleansing powers, the pothos is well known as a great houseplant as it can grows even less than desirable conditions. 

Another great thing about this bedroom plant is that it’s easy to grow from cuttings, or can be grown completely in water.

Over time the roots will start to take over the jar or bottle you put it in so make sure it has ample room for them to grow. 

The pothos is effective at filtering out formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene. It also has the ability to neutralise odours! 

Care Tips:

  • Bright, not direct light, although it also will tolerate low-light conditions.

  • Allow soil dry out between waterings

  • Grow in any well-draining potting soil, but you can also make a blend with perlite and moss.

Peace Lily

Peace lily plants are one of popular houseplants for the bedroom. It will thrive in high light situations and tolerate low light, and the roots tolerate a variety of watering patterns. 

Peace lilies will wilt when they need a drink. 

Peace lily is another plant which will actually grow in water. One of my clients Alexis actually taught me this! You can just plop it straight into water or in a jar with some stones at the bottom. My one has produced so many flowers since I’ve left it like this. 

Care Tips:

  • Consistent waterings are key. Keep the soil moist, but do not overwater.

  • Use filtered, room-temperature water, if possible as peace lilies can be sensitive to flouride.

  • Peace lilies enjoy high humidity.

  • Fertilise only occasionally, but more frequently in summer.

  • Peace lilies are a tropical plant, so keep them in temperatures above 60°F (16°C) and away from cold, drafty windows.

  • Keep out of direct sunglight.

Snake Plant

Snake plant filters the air of household toxins.

Then there is the fact that it emits oxygen at night. This is what helps improve your sleep quality.

Care Tips:

  • Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light

  • Keep the plant in a warm spot with temperatures. In the winter, be sure to protect it from drafty windows.

  • Dust leaves regularly

  • Let the soil mostly dry out between waterings. Make sure to use a moisture metre or actually put your finger into the soil to make sure it’s dry.

  • Water from the bottom of the pot, if possible.

  • Water infrequently in winter.

Heart Leaf Philodendron

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Among NASA’s top 10 list is the Philodendron which is a popular houseplant because it’s almost impossible to kill. It’s known for absorbing formaldehyde from the air.

You can let heart leaf philodendron hang down and vine or allow it to climb up a totem or other support. Be careful though as it will attach itself to your walls!

Care Tips:

  • Thrives in medium indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.

  • Water every 5-7 days, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light.

  • Moist air will help lead to larger leaves and faster growth.

Spider Plant

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In addition to cleansing the air, it will also absorb odours and fumes as well as sustaining oxygen levels in the room, promoting better sleep.

Care Tips:

  • Your Spider Plant will tolerate lower light conditions, however, they prefer bright indirect light.

  • Avoid direct sunlight as it will scorch the leaves.

  • Will thrive in higher humidity

  • Water well, but do not allow the plants to become soggy

  • Prefers to dry out between waterings

LifestyleRachel Aust