Loose Leaf Evening Tea

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As part of my effort to slowly reduce my waste I decided to start making my own loose leaf tea at home. In winter I love having a cup of tea in the evening, but it started to bug me that many brands of tea bags can’t even be composted! I was sent some zero waste cotton reuse-able tea bags along with an Etsy order I placed a little while ago, and I keep them in my tea caddy on my bench with my oils.

For this evening tea I wanted to have a blend of a few relaxing flavours. I opted for these:


  • Chamomile

  • Dried lavender

  • Ginger root

To make the tea all I did was combine the ingredients in my preferred ratio.

I used 3 tbsp of chamomile for every 1 tbsp of lavender and ginger root.

Keep the tea stored in an air tight container and use as you please :)